Is It Useful for Running Shoes to Remain Gendered?A not so controversial reasoningMay 3, 2019May 3, 2019
What it is like to be in Iran the week that Trump rejects the nuclear deal and causing a severe…Towards the end of the third episode of the second season of the acclaimed documentary “Onze Man in Teheran” made by one of the very few…May 11, 2018May 11, 2018
What are your interests?It’s been a few days and I can’t stop thinking about this question. In turn I can’t stop thinking about how I can’t stop thinking about it…Apr 10, 2018Apr 10, 2018
2: Statement NecklaceYeah, I know…it looks weird doesn’t it? Not that there’s anything I dislike about it but it just looks so out of place on me. Don’t you…Jan 12, 2018Jan 12, 2018
1: Why did she run away from home?In the movies it looked so simple and joyful. Colourful boots. Autumn leaves. Echoing laughter. It honestly looked like the most stupidly…Jan 7, 2018Jan 7, 2018